Cabinet Painting

Guy Painting did 50+ cabinet painting jobs!

Cabinet Painting is all about the Prep Work, Application, & Material.

We can spend 8+ hours prepping a cabinet painting  job.

Removing all of the doors, drawers, hardware and some appliances.  Masking off floors, walls, the rest of the appliances, and windows.  Taping and masking the countertop, backsplash, inside of the cabinets, and in some situations putting up plastic walls and plastic off the room & entry doors.  Sanding the surfaced to be painted – light sand for adhesion.  Wiping down all surfaces to remove dust. Then priming (with the correct primer) caulking (with the correct caulk) all of the joints and seams, caulking the crown (if it has it), caulking to the walls (if painting walls).     We try to do all of that and any surprises in the just the 1st day…


Then starts the painting, 1 to 2 days.  Light sand any rough spots, re-prime if needed.  We paint using the correct material for cabinet painting (which can change, based on type of cabinet, color, and type of primer you had to use). Depending on color and material, this can take 2-4 coats to cover and look B-E-A-UTIFUL!

Last day is put back together, install doors and drawers, hardware, new closing pads, and clean up.

THEN ENJOY!We do try to spray, in most cases, to have the factory smooth finish.  If the wood grain can be felt before painting then it will also show though when your spray them.  I think that is what makes them look like customer painted cabinets, higher end than a lesser quality smooth cabinet.

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